Jedno można powiedzieć, że dla samego Wielkiego Kanionu warto było tu przyjechać. Można tu spędzić miesiąc i nie mieć dość, tak fantastyczne są widoki. To niesamowite, metafizyczne miejsce. Przepaść głęboka na 1.6 km, szeroka na kilkanaście km, długa na kilkadziesiąt, mieniąca sie tysiącem kolorów. I choć rocznie przyjeżdża tu kilka milionów turystów, to tego tłumu nie widać, a co najważniejsze – nie ma tego przemysłu turystycznego spod znaku Krupówek. Wszystko tu dobrze działa – samochody mogą poruszać się po bardzo ograniczonym terenie, dalej wiozą turystów bezpłatne autobusy – jest ekologicznie: cicho, nie ma śmieci, straganów itp. The most important is the nature of. There is also something for cyclists - bicycle path along the edge of the canyon - chad!
Camping as national parks in the U.S. – the showers are only in the reception area, Pay trifle 2-3 USD, or how you want to take a warm shower you zaiwaniać usually some 1- 1,5 km. For this position to stretch tents in the woods on a huge space of a few kilometers. There's not too much trace of civilization such as. lighting, and the positions of the shock, water at the lack of jobs. Just forest and toilets ... But often there are metal boxes to bury the food in front of the local bowls. Do not bury food fined 500 USD, not to mention probably an unforgettable experience, the visit would provide such a teddy bear. Leaving any of their food outside the tent Ends kidnapping him by the local Sparrows. One of the victims was an Irish John – although the box pozstawione before the tent was closed birds dodziobały to content, which was to collect the remains can be within several meters.
Leaving, a long time we said goodbye to the Grand Canyon, since the day we traveled along its southern edge - but these views can never have too many. After a few dozen kilometers from the great chasm is getting smaller and narrower, but no less profound. View this unearthly, with stood and stared into infinity. I recognized it as one of the best views in .. my life.