Wspinamy się mozolnie (mniej lub bardziej, ja bardziej) na płaskowyż Kolorado docierając do północnej Arizony. Tam zaczynam rozumieć, dlaczego nastąpiła zmiana czasu z pacyficznego na górski. Bo krajobraz w ciągu godziny zmienia sie na górski – taki zakopiański nawet trochę chwilami – wysokie chojaki, zimny wiatr, który chłodzi podczas jazdy – co jest fajne, ale w nocy jeszcze bardziej chłodzi, co jest juz mniej fajne.. Well, ale jesteśmy wszak na wysokości ponad 2000 n.p.m. A ja naiwnie myślałam, ze Arizona to tylko kaktusy…
Jedziemy teraz słynną trasą 66 (Route 66), zwaną drogą-matką, łączącą Chicago z Los Angeles. Wędrowały nią setki spragnionych lepszego świata.. His glory was going through during the Depression years of the 30-ies of the last century – was then the main bus leading waves of migrants to the West, mainly to California. It runs through 8 states, and now her legs in Illinois, New Mexico and Arizona make national road landscape (Scenic Byway) named Historic Route 66. This iconic route, full of speeding bikers, pubs and shops in the climate of the 50-60s, where you think you just meet Elvis or Marilyn, Not to mention the buffalo Bill and Sundance Kidzie ...
We spend the night at a sports hall in the Hualapai Indian Reservation in the once bustling town of Peach Springs. John, who arrived at the scene as one of the first to know, the need of the day to find a place for the night gets into a conversation with a local.. Indian sheriff, who first offers, with us at night will bet, If we break down the road, and then comes up with an overnight option hall. For the grid we have good company - and prison exercise yard for local law-breakers..
Not entirely sure, what to expect after such a reserve. The shameful history of creating reserves for indigenous peoples of the Americas will not write, I think everyone feels something about it. In the U.S., the land belonging to the Indian, managed by them, supervised by the Office for. Indians - the government agency. In some of these, For example, just in the Hualapai Indians spaces non-trade and consumption of alcoholic beverages (due to the inherent low tolerance for alcohol Indians, which favors their rozpiciu). I'm not sure, with a successful prevention, although I do not know? We can not go by. Plan, because it turns out, that all the expensive side, which wanted to make a shortcut is private, so that we make up a lot of miles and the Grand Canyon arrive a day later. Overcome for the big difference hills, as the southern edge is located at an altitude of 2300m above sea level, which is about our Giewontu!