Monument Valley czyli w krainie westernu

by Ewcyna

Nie czekamy długo na następne atrakcje. After 2 dniach dojeżdżamy do Monument Valley tj. Doliny Pomników, zwanej też krainą westernu – tu podobno kręcono niemal wszystkie amerykańskie filmy tego gatunku. Pomimo stosunkowo niedużej odległości tutejszy krajobraz jest niemalże odwrotnością Wielkiego Kanionu. Mówiąc obrazowo z Wyżyny Kolorado niejako wystają ogromne skały zwane monolitami. Mają odcień rdzawej czerwieni, nawet piasek na kempingu jest w tym kolorze. Po kolejnej nocy z niezwykle silnym wiatrem mamy ten piasek praktycznie wszędzie i długo nie udaje się go nam pozbyć z zakamarków bagażu..

Wjeżdżamy na 2 dni do najsuchszego stanu USA tj. Utah, where ... it looks like the clouds, and even falls on us a few drops of rain! I counted 6. To our indescribable joy for camping is real, zieloniutka and very soft grass! It is true that in his piece measuring 10×20 m, but always! Such convenience, that ho, ho.

Rest-day We re in the National Park - this time it's Mesa Verde, famous for the remains of ancestral Indian cities hundreds of years ago. We visit, and then celebrate "połowinkę" expedition .. pours tequila, bake ziemniaczory, corn and meat, a fireplace and in general is Pretty cool. We also have great attraction on the route – almost total eclipse of the sun! Just includes our surroundings.

All the next day we have the hill in rock and multi-colored natural setting and the wind at your back, which means some vertiginous speed descents. My counter is unfortunately rebels and spoils, therefore, I do not know what it could be speed, but probably to 60 km / h. Well, but that nothing is lost in nature, The next day, we have almost the same driveway. And the next, too.. So already it is constantly, I drove to the state of Colorado and on the horizon we have the beautiful Rocky Mountains, although zatrważającymi little hats Snow. "Honey," Those are my heart, because friends know, that the fastest pass winners do not belong, and here brings fame, with a 2-3 day we will overcome the Lizard Pass Pass of over 3 thousand. meters n.p.m. And then even higher Monarch Pass – 3500 m.n.p.m. Hmmm ... I'm never on the amount of any such distributions was not, not to mention there pulling the bike apart from each other. .. It is assumed, therefore,, with waiting for my looong walk. As for the temperature fear be scared, and so most of us already Flika nose, because of nights 2,5 miles do not belong to the warmest. But – “let's hit the Rockies” Men!

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