"How do you take / did you get the money for the trip"? This is definitely a leader among asked me questions, right next to the safety of the female traveling alone. The latter have written, therefore, time to talk about money for travel and travel.
A few years ago, in 2013 year I went on a trip with a one way ticket with him the money from savings (yes, I worked for many years on-time) and the sale of what I did sell, of which a small apartment after my parents in her hometown was the largest contribution. Yep, I had the immense luck, from what I sell, but always it remains a matter of taking such a decision - and this is most often not easy. I hasten to add, not allocated anything for the trip – a large part of the money repaid loans taken out to buy a studio in Warsaw, repairs, furniture, etc., beyond this went on daily life, fees etc.
And here comes the second code or "travel for free", which still recently heard. Well, because apparently you can. And so I think, or that I do not know how, or somewhere in that statement is an understatement. Because in my opinion the money to travel are REQUIRED – to, you can learn to manage them sparingly or CHEAP TRAVEL. So how?
TRANSPORT AND ACCOMMODATION usually constitute the largest cost in the tourist budget. Fortunately, I'm going by bike or eliminated fare, I sleep usually under a tent in the wild (although in South Asia and Eastern Europe in guesthousach often because they cost a few dollars), somewhere in the proverbial bush. There are still possibilities for accommodation in people affiliated to portals such as CouchSurfing or Warmshowers - if anything I choose the latter was, I know, with it creates a community of people, who love traveling by bike, we have common themes and understand their needs. Nie korzystam jednak z tej możliwości często i staram sienie nadużywać tej formy – dlaczego? Travelling by bike hard for me to specify the date of arrival - if you've been writing to someone's request that a week earlier, and point out, that when I'm getting close will confirm the arrival and always do. I am also aware, it is not a de facto Night Free, because it costs the host page. And there is another considerable reason - I do not always feel like company tonight, when I'm tired, She makes me want to just wash and sleep and not to socialize. That does not mean, that through these portals tudzież accidentally met a people have not experienced many times a wonderful welcome and I did not recognize people, with whom I still have contact. I only hope, with I can also be a host and a little bit repay received good.
FOOD – Here for sure you can definitely try to save – usually I do not eat in pubs only street-houses or herself cook.
Well, and specifics? Not too many of their will, I do not keep detailed statistics. I put on a budget 10 USD per day, but not in every country manages to keep any,. Yes, You can save on food or a night follies in pubs, but there are things not to jump, which simply takes money – even buying airline tickets, visa, tickets, insurance and accommodation then, where you can not or do not want to stay in a tent. Parts bike, maybe some article of clothing, drugs - generally emergencies - it must have. I think as well, that the budget twice the size that is about 15-20 USD / day is much more convenient and feasible under the method of travel. There were countries, where he lived for some months 700 PLN per month (Thailand, most of Central Asia) and such, where I came from 3 times as much or more (Japan - 2500 PLN ). I find it difficult in Europe, Euro-zone – even in Greece, or Italy, where the proverbial can of some costs in the supermarket 3 EUR.
In the first trip 3 years have not worked, and what was to be expected after some time savings ran out. Since then, I live for around. 1200 PLN per month, which leaves me with renting an apartment in Warsaw, sometimes fall into something extra. It's slightly more than 30 PLN / 8 USD per day. A lot? Little? Hard to say, It depends on the requirements and expectations. Life for many is feasible provided, they will not get sick, nothing will spoil, no and no place to live, in any other case, the budget is falling apart. In my time, When I lived in Poland freind different things was possible thanks to the multitude of family and friends, near and far, old and brand new friends, who hosted me in their homes – I can hardly express my gratitude for your help.
Savings are over, but he did not end the appetite for life on the road nor the appetite of the world. I started to think how to make a further journey and what is important - how to do it, that the data occupation suited me, It was consistent with my difficult character and skills.
There are various models of WIN MONEY FOR TRAVEL - I think, that is the most accurate… earn. on-time, order, in black, white - like who will come.
Another is to work remotely. You can stay in one place, take order, do, send and continue. Envy, I not discovered yet what it could be like that in my case, apart from the occasional writing articles.
Other travel załapując in different places on the so-called. VOLUNTEERING, even through the portal WORKAWAY, where in a few hours of work per day are provided with accommodation and meals - I also tried it, However, I have the sense, that in many cases it is used and work for free. Besides, as it is with someone so, if ever the work is not coming out. Or so I just character tudzież age, with me an average fit – drops, especially in the long run.
You can also collect on a journey in a different way - for example through projects crowdfundingowe - Can portals Pole and the like. They are great and usually the only way to raise money for a cool travel project, she supported any,, however, by a rash of such initiatives I have on many mixed emotions - lack a specific justification, why the project is unique. Recently, a few weeks I gave clues person, which was going to Asia. Not the first nor the last, I get a lot of questions like that and I like to give advice, So I reply patiently, but this guy after a while he asked me about the sound system of its type design crowdfunding for this trip just. It's also nothing wrong, but I did not find, however, the project's nothing fancy, that would justify issued with one's fundraiser. I remember also another, which in some discussion in one of the travel groups fejsbuku honestly wrote, "all in all I have money for this trip, but if someone wants me to finance it better ". If anyone would support him are only his will and his money, but I do not feel the proverbial blues.
How do I set to teach English in Asia, that was on my mind for a long time – this is one of the most popular ways to combine work and travel?. Teacher? Teacher? They called me in South Korea, Thailand, kids in Vietnam I brought the lesson home English teacher, Cambodia was dragged on the evening of English lessons in the village, erected in the middle of the room with the slogan "Now learn"! I liked, I like to teach and already being done in Poland. Travelling through Asia I met a lot of foreigners learning English (with or without qualifications - it's about the long debate) and I thought, that it might have something for me. Besides, there was the thought of osiąściu in a certain place for a long time after this, to get to know them better and not just glide through the countries, cultures and communities. Decyzyjno process - exploration – papierologiczny took me many months,
Throughout 8 Months (although it was supposed to be the year) I worked in Urumqi in China (map on the side), prowincji Sinciang – in the far western Chinese, the capital of the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous District, where the sun rises before 10Ta, and armored vehicles haunt the streets. With the earned money so I continued driving trip to Europe.
And what to think of time will tell.
Ewcia,Thank you for your post, and I look forward to the next! Jestem ciekawa wzystkiego 🙂
Greetings from Wroclaw :*
I'm also curious. I get a little scared if I can handle it too
You can do it, Ewcia! It is hard sometimes, because it is difficult, but rocking on the bike I found, the top, hill, driveways from a distance seem a lot scarier than, as we have them are, albo patrzysz na nie za siebie 🙂 3mam kciuki
Now my driveway elevator on 30 floor..
Well, but! But I am curious sensations:-)!
Great entry. Such information has just would need if I now embarked on the first journey.
I if I had more money to podróżowałbym all the time, I love to know new places:)
No to tak jak ja..
I admire the courage, I read your blog for quite some time and is always accompanied me a feeling of admiration for your courage. Merry Christmas and a healthy Luck in the New Year
Thank you very much for kind words. Peaceful and family holidays!
Healthy, Happy and cheerful Christmas! Let you know
thank you very much, you too
Eve, I wish you patience for each other, to students, to superiors for a new way of life. As you focus on education and put it in your emotions and heart piece that everything else will work out somehow.
Do not expect anything, expect everything!
Fingers crossed
Gdyby podróże tyle nie kosztowały świat byłby piękny hihih 😉
Ewa, good, sincerely and from the heart. I keep my fingers crossed for China and I am convinced, it will be good. They also do not rule out such an option. It's fun to us in all it was in China and perspective into the work there for a dozen or so months does not seem at all bad. No i te widoki na Tien Szan!!! 🙂
Regarding your text, you know our situation and is in fact quite similar to your. Cash from the rented apartment, savings earned by hard work. There's a great philosophy or great achievements. C.D.N. Because I do not want to post a longer commentary in one fell swoop. Strange the way…
I continued:
One thing I want to emphasize – I probably also can not travel for free. well , damn sometimes it gets me when I see the guides in style “15 ways to travel for free”. It's a bit like traveling around the world. I have the impression, the more this empty phrases than the real sense. What does it mean to travel for free? Prey on others? I do not know how we do it, but we usually couchsurfing and warmshowers come out more expensive than a bat in a cheap hotel. Why? Because usually we want to cook something for our hosts, return the favor somehow. May invite for a beer? Or if you are using inventory, make up the fridge before leaving. Of course, we leave richer in the end, I know generally really great people and thanks to them – interesting places. C.D.N.
it's 3 plans will….
A third of the:
A crowfunding? It seems to me, that what we do does not fall within the definition of “expedition” or “project”. We ourselves just go ahead and I do not think I'd feel right asking other subsidy in the form of a formalized. On the other hand, on our site you can find a tab, in which we ask for support. In addition, we came up with several ways, to support this letter reached. A bit of everything contradictory and difficult. Because really, there is probably ready solutions, everyone copes as can. I embrace, K.
Super sprawa Ewa, gratuluje odwagi, fantazji i uporu 🙂
Sam podobnie kombinuje, stąd moje pytanie: czy korzystałaś może z jakiejś firmy zarządzającej Twoim mieszkaniem podczas nieobecności.
Welcome. No, I did not use, choć myślałam o tym. Jak dotychczas zawsze przyjeżdzałam do Polski sama zajać się tą kwestią – z reguły miałam tez inne sprawy do załatwienia w tym czasie, stad ten mało korzystny finansowo wybór. Z tego co wiem Kasia i Victor najęli firmę, możesz poszukać u nich na blogu (link w komentarzu ponizej) lub spytac bezpośrednio. Najlepiej jednak jak mqa się kogoś z rodziny kto mógł y pomoc (zapewne trzeba by zostawic odpowiednie upowaznienia). Ja upoważniełam przyjaciółkę, ale w kwestii znalezienia nowego najemcy nawet ona się nie podejmuje. Good luck!
Dzięki Ewa,
So so, już do Kasi i Victora napisałem. Teraz tylko troche cierpliwości i mam nadzieje że i gdzieś tam się miniemy w drodze.