Participation in the most watched morning TV program Dzien Dobry TVN on housesitting and houseswapping

Interview for an article about women's bicycle travel for monthy edition of "Wysokie Obcasy" magazine for women High Heels Extra 09/2021

INTERVIEW for Radio Zet Magazyn on my life on a bicycle “INTERVIEW for Radio Zet Magazyn”

PODCAST by Paweł Drozd - ex-national Radio 3 journalist “The Sound of the World from the Flight of the Thrush” episode. #72 “The most strange”

PODCAST CASE FM “Travel on 8 Stop” – “Solo cycling around the world”

INTERVIEW for TVN24 “Cycling around the world. “My home is on the bike”

Rowertour Cycling Magazine No. 5/2019 interview “Lifestyle” “My goal is the road”
2 TVP, “"The question for breakfast" morning TV - interview”
TVP 3 – Kurier Mazowiecki(10 minute program)

on website In Asia (Polish)

interview for Pushbikegirl (English)
Interview – stuff BTV for Internet TV
TVN 24 BIS “Show us the world”

Rowertour 2016 “Who Wind in the Willows”
Rowertour 2016“where the axes, swords, arches ..”
Rowertour 2015 “Everyday life in the name of God”
Rowertour 2014 “Journey to the land of courtesy”
WAREHOUSE “TRAVEL” 2013 “On the way to Hokkaido”