On the flight to Kagoshima we arrived well before time, Unknown – so there were no surprises, because it is low cost and devil knows them there. First, only had to pick up our luggage packed wielocypedy. Approaching the stand we saw a very unusual sight.. if it was our little chic packages have become the covered large white cloth.. probably so, to be too much the night not zakurzyły.
Przetransportowałyśmy quite well on the Terminal 2 and calmly waited for clearance to start. Something struck me and asked the boy to use, whether there will be problems with taking such a big box. He scratched his head, and after a while a worker from another, that with a blissful smile on his face (that accompanies the majority of Japanese women) and ruler in hand obmierzyła box and this time with a charming smile even he said "unfortunately we can not take it, Sorry ". How can I give negative information without arousing anxiety - now I know.
Bike unpacked from the box and I put in my bag immortal Ruthenian, which has more than once saved me from the oppression of transport and cycling. The package Zoska there's no problem. It was a bundle that includes a bike, clothes, tent, sleeping bag and other utensils in one, Toto was wrapped in cloth and sealed with tape repeatedly. Weight about. 30 kg. But, but. something happens. Lady at the check she anxiously look at the weight.. in consultation with the supervisor.. then the Superior superior.. and 5 minutes before the check said "the bike is too heavy, you need to repack. You 5 minutes. Thank you. ".
Struggling animal in the cage is small compared to the, which went up at this point in Zocha. She threw herself with claws and teeth per pack, because there was no time to look for scissors. Eh.. This was an action. I could not help her, szarpalismy because of my bike, which does nothing wanted to fit into luggage screener. But most important is, have been able to give us everything at the last moment.
Upon arrival We turned bikes with finding relief, they work, although my looks (and because it is the first time) like a camel wielogarbny. Intrigued us at the airport bus stop, where people soaked his feet in hot springs. Each fetches Butu and socks and just soak the feet. Relax as we found and we found it early in your trip.
The first night we spent in przeuroczym place over a fish fishery, which we splashed to sleep and in the morning for that could be heard all kinds of birds. Morning walking people bowed and said good morning. The first cats for the fences.
1 comment
[…] We were at the check-in in the morning 3 hours earlier. The Peach Airlines staff, however, thought for a long time about our bikes. Long..., longer and longer.. whereupon 5 minutes before check-in closes they inform us, that the dimensions of my box exceed their requirements by a few centimeters (more than 200 cm) and the package with my friend's bike is too heavy. They told us about it 5 minutes to repack! I wasn't wasting any time, to tear the staff apart I just threw myself to tear my box, and my friend her package, which, incidentally, was very hard to tear.. I put my bike in my self-made bag (hurra, that I had her) and my friend took something to her hand luggage and we MIRACLEY succeeded and WE MANAGE. Full entry here […]