Znalezienie noclegu w Japonii dla turysty – cyklisty nie powinno być problemem, as long as keep a few basic principles.
The first and basic sounds – Avoid like the plague private land, for the purpose of generally take only such. nabrzeża rzek, skwery i place zabaw, trawniki przyparkingowe etc. Szczególnie powinniśmy być czujni na napis SPORTS PARK czyli parki do uprawiania sportów wszelakich, because that's where the turf is nice, fleshy, zieloniutka and manicured nails as Gwyneth Paltrow, natural circumstances pleasing to the eye and the distance to the nearest toilet (water and toilet paper) small. Musimy być jednak przygotowani na to, that last 5.30 będą nam chodzić i biegać pod namiotem albo grać w golfa ćwiczący zaciekle od rana Japończycy.
Przeciętny Japończyk uda, że nas nie widzi, He will, however, running, He is waving his arms and walked or played golf in the distance 2 meters from your tent.. Well, a nation that is very shy until the fifth or the tenth lap, you will be asked where you're from.. or do not ask at all furtively soon łypał eye.
Pitching up in public space is often a necessity, since every centimeter of land is used. Open-air for a place difficult. Japan is in some 90 percent up, hence it, What remains is converted into grassland (represent only 11% the country!), and it is about a centimeter. There is no typical meadows (ok, They occur in Hokkaido, where the climate is temperate), And forests are usually one big big maze, therefore, the evening will be directed to the city and looking for a secluded place and the square.
The only unpleasant incident, they met me when 3 after months of traveling in Japan I experienced just then, when (once intentionally, I did not see any other possibility, and once inadvertently) violated the personal space.
Here is a description of the second incident:
At the end of the day that is about. 17this person begins to look for a seat. After entering in the Alps somehow they ended up pleasing skwerki, and how these are ok. 12.00 when it's time for bed. Space is limited and finding a seat really is not easy. I was driving along the river looking for a place, stopping here and there, looking.. He noted, that a boy on a bicycle accompanied me, finally he dared and asked me if I am looking for camping and pointed to the opposite side of the river. He took me there so – this place was the last time you used probably in the 70's, sponiewierania degree worthy of our local centers caravans from the time of socialism.. but he was also a bit of grass and that's all I needed. For me, however, than thought, teeth one by accident than I did not want any money for it.
I thought surely a rainy day. In the morning of 7mej got a car and a man surprised something zagaił, not very happy, then he went. When I been there 10 minutes to the end of the wrapping burst into pissed off woman. With her only caught slowotoku “money”. And the second “police”. And I let him call. And that the money is 2500 yen, or have any 90 PLN . And here I really incarnate. The hostel is less than I paid for these two×2 square meters of old grass from flying to how perszingi gąsiennicowatymi karalucho-beetles (brrr). I asked about the shower. There is no shower – I received a reply (nothing was, current as it was). Well, no shower no money. Damn it took. But I asked in sign language, to come with me to the entrance, where there was some old table with blurry figures. The highest of them amounted to 500 yen. With a big disappointment, but he agreed to these 500 yen (17 PLN ) by the way, trying to pull my wallet bigger banknote. To 500 yen throw to cost category entitled. “dues”.
On the coast is generally a lot easier. There is a lot Michi no Eki – that is, such parking connections, gas station, toilet, shops and playground, where they usually will not be a problem with putting a tent for the night.
Hokkaido is pretty much free campsites. There is nothing more besides toilets with cold water and rubbish bins, but what more need?