About me

by Ewcyna

Ewa Świderska, once called Ewcyna by the closest friend. For years, happily "infected by cyclosis", I represent the species “ "individual bike wanderer"” of feminine gender.

Still as a teenager, on old brand Jubilat bike delightfully full of flower stickers in every free moment I wandered around, in the outskirts of Kampinoski forest in Mazovia region of Poland.

Travelling has always been my passion, but traveling by bike has become an addiction. I replaced an old Jubilat bike “for a better model” and moved further on. Distance on the counter exceeds the length of the equator nearly twice, traveled many roads in Poland and worldwide, but addiction is an addiction – holds tight and still wants more. Right now I live by travelling by bike and I have not get bored yet.

Life on a bike is easy. “Problems” usually count to a few basic ones: which way to go, where to sleep, what to eat, what to see along the way. I never know where I get, whom I meet and what will happen.

Alone? Holy Crist! – said an old woman once having seen me in a village somewhere "in the middle of nowhere" in eastern Poland. It is also the first question, that people ask me, often only by the language of gestures.

Yep – I travel mostly alone. Benefits, which gives me solo trip are plentiful, but meeting people on the road is always a great joy.

A blog is a journal of my last trips (I did not write previously), some photos, practical information and contact platform. Human being, although alone on a road, is still and after all, invariably a social being.

If you want me to follow my journey – - you are more then welcome!