
by Ewcyna

Shikoku Island were greeted by rain. Nie mam dokumentacji zdjęciowej z pierwszego dnia, a szkoda, mainly because we were interested then get to some dry locale. 40 miles in the pouring rain pourable made their. Na szczęście w miejscowości Uwajima był hostel i nawet właściciel przyjechał nas odebrać ze stacji – to znaczy odebrał Zochę i jej składany rower a ja miałam przyjemnność jechać za samochodem a potem pchać rower bo hostel znajdował się na szczycie góry. Najwazniejsze jednak było to, ze w pokoju znajdował się piecyk. Dopuściłyśmy się czynu haniebnego, gdyż przemyciłyśmy do pokoju nasze obuwie (which of course is always left at the entrance, mandatory to put on plastic kapetki), so that it can dry out.

NB amazes us still change the aura, from cold to very hot and vice versa. The rains are here on average every three days and has just warned against such there is what has to visit us this time tomorrow ulokowałyśmy preventively in the hostel. Asian rain is no picnic, was a real opening of the heavens! I hope, that calms down the rain, for financial reasons did not plan for frequent renting of rooms.

In terms of vagrancy do not feel lonely. Shikoku haunts every year thousands of pilgrims, walking along the trail 88 churches founded by the monk Kukai in the eighth century AD, located around the island. All the time they encounter, greet each other warmly and even yesterday we got a gift pack of tomatoes. Not quite a gift, because one item in the store costs about a dollar.

Shikoku squeezed us sweat, but also rewards the beauty of nature. Sweeping through the mountains, drive along the rivers and the Pacific coast. It's very quiet and picturesque. We visited a local guide touted attraction ie, Katarahama beaches near the town of Kochi. Besides us there were crowds of tour guides, parking lot full of coaches and along the beach, indeed quite nice, takes concrete pavement design … track your visit to the beach.. Takie rzeczy tylko w Japonii 😉 Zocha z przekąsem stwierdziła, that if you all hikers came to Międzyzdroje is that their eyes from their sockets came. Somewhat agree with that.

To our surprise the beach, across the street went to the government .. graves. Domestic cemeteries often encounter, but here, on the coastal strip? Such a super Seat has probably cost a lot?

After the second or third time we met only bicycle traveler – a young 18-year-old Japanese, who intends to tour their homeland in 5 months. He was very open and willing to talk, no but too much could not because of the language barrier.

Japanese, especially in the provinces in general almost do not speak English. I remember, which was a surprise to me, when I first visited the country of the Rising Sun. Complete with their shyness often means, that when I try to ask for something in English person simply asked .. looks down, invisible hand chases flies and .. escapes. Well. And I except for a few cyferkami and basic information “where-where” I can not say anything in Japanese. Too bad. Great damage.

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Asia 27 April 2013 - 11:43

I love, how to throw pictures of people, are fascinating. but it's true, English in their schools zero although apparently attach to the importance of. what a pity, probably because a lot of interesting history usłyszanych from Japanese to be found here. 🙂 Powodzenia na 四国! どうぞ お 大事 に!

ewcyna 6 May 2013 - 04:00

Asia oh that's right, and I regret that though there were a little poduczylam the Japanese before leaving.. As for the pictures of people that actually have a tendency to widoczkow, and ashamed of people take pictures.. This pilgrimage was one of the exceptions and this was Japanese in New Zealand and I could talk …


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