Hirosaki and Aomori – Apple basin

by Ewcyna

W kwestii owoców Japonia jest bardzo uboga. Są przeokropnie drogie, czasem pozwalam sobie na grejpfruta no i raz nabyła przecenione jablko za około 3 zl sztuka. Widziałam też czereśnie z Ameryki, pudełeczko, w którym było mniej niż 20 sztuk kosztowało 400 jenów czyli jakieś 15 PLN .

Wczoraj dotarłam na samą pólnoc Honsiu, do Hirosaki, miasta w regionie, które centrum produkcji jabłek. Ku mojej radości na horyzoncie pojawiły się kwitnące obłędnie sady (pewnie w Polsce teraz jest tak samo:), które zastąpiły w dużej mierze nudnawe już nieco pola ryzowe..

Jabłko jest symbolem miasta Hirosaki i nawet noc spędziłam w miejscu, które się nazywa “Apple park”. Planted there are many varieties of apple trees, something written here and there to educate children.. Apples are on every gadget city and I was thinking, the marketing of, in this case apple, authorities could learn Grójca, Warka or Mtawa..

The I in Aomori says goodbye to swim Honshu and Hokkaido find ferry. Island, to a mere 5% Japan's population and where horses are supposedly (that is, they have somewhere to fall, which probably are meadows!). I'll have a month to crawl your local area, which is consistent with my assumptions and I enjoy it very. Less welcome the weather forecast, gusting 13 degrees deerstalker cap and I did not take, State look, nie pomyślałam 🙂

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Anawa 25 May 2013 - 09:45

That heat you – with us today 11 degrees and raining 23 time have fun!

ewcyna 25 May 2013 - 11:02

Chicken, I had only heard about the hot weather on Polish soil..

Anawa 25 May 2013 - 12:31

The situation is changing rapidly – I week ago I was in the Bialowieza Forest and escaped in
heat waves against hordes of mosquitoes – you could not even for a second to spread the map and every millimeter of the body I have eaten :), and as the islands – you do not attack any monsters flying?

ewcyna 25 May 2013 - 12:57

Dear, are different creatures flying.. if you ask about the mosquitoes are virtually their's not here now – probably too cold :). It is hard at this quantity of rice fields. But other creatures flying, which to me is a huge crows naprzykrzają Sparrows, I joke that steal the bike. I mean, they stole and now to secure. Smart toto, find and draw baguette in 3 second. Let them in their beaks can!

ewcyna 25 May 2013 - 12:59

I see, that in Bialowieza as Kampinoska – even piss do not give..


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